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Call for Papers

Intelligent Adaptability in BPM (working title)

Innovation in Adaptive Case Management / Knowledge Worker Support

This new book will be launched in July in conjunction with the announcement of 2017 winners Global Awards for Excellence in Case Management (now open for entries).

Share your expertise and knowledge! 

We invite submissions for chapters that present innovative views on Adaptive Case Management and support for Knowledge Work (within or without the BPM environment) to include business issues, guidance, technology solutions, research and more.

Abstract deadline
May 30, 2017

Chapter Proposal Selection:
June 15

Final Deadline for Completed Papers:
July 15

Print Edition Book Launch:
Sept 15

"Today’s BPM platforms deliver the ability to manage work while dynamically adapting the steps of a process according to an awareness and understanding of content, data, and business events that unfold. This is the basis of intelligent automation, enabling data-driven processes adapting dynamically to the context of the work, delivering the efficiency of automation while leveraging rules and policies to steer the pathway towards the optimal outcome." - Nathaniel Palmer, Digital Transformation (2017)

"As adaptive case management (ACM) systems mature, we are moving beyond simple systems that allow knowledge workers to define ad hoc processes, to creating more intelligent systems that support and guide them. Knowledge workers still need to dynamically add information, define activities and collaborate with others in order to get their work done, but those are now just the table stakes in a world of big data and intelligent agents. To drive innovation and maintain operational efficiencies, we need to augment case work – typically seen as relying primarily on human intelligence – with machine intelligence. In other words, we need intelligent ACM." Sandy Kemsley, Best Practices for Knowledge Workers (2016)

There is a broad and collaborative synthesis of case data that is at the heart of what makes Adaptive Case Management “adaptive” and is also the basic driver for why it needs to be so. Adaptive Case Management is ultimately about allowing knowledge workers to work the way that they want to work and to provide them with the tools and information they need to do so effectively.

This new book describes the work of managers, decision-makers, executives, doctors, lawyers, campaign managers, emergency responders, strategists and many others who have to think for a living.

The second part of the book will include award-winning case studies covering industries as a diverse as law enforcement, transportation, insurance, banking, state services, and healthcare.

This important book follows the ground-breaking best-sellers in this series; Thriving on Adaptability, Empowering Knowledge Workers, Taming the Unpredictable, How Knowledge Workers Get Things Done, and Mastering the Unpredictable.

If you are interested in contributing a chapter, please complete the form below with a brief abstract:

Abstract form here...

Future Strategies Inc., publishes BPM-related books including the annual Excellence in Practice Series which profiles the award-winning case studies from the Global Excellence Awards for Case Management. This book will include the winning case studies from the Global Awards for Case Management 2016.

This prestigious annual series makes a significant contribution to the body of knowledge within this industry. The participating authors (and their organizations) receive worldwide recognition for their respective roles as industry leaders and subject-matter authorities at the forefront of business process technology, its growth, evolution and implementation.

There is no fee to contribute a paper and you may submit an abstract with or without co-authors (no more than four co-authors total). Papers should be about 6-16 pages in length, inclusive of diagrams and illustrations (Executive Size: 7"x10").

About 10 to 12 submissions will be selected by the WfMC Review Committee.

The criteria include:

  • Clarity of abstract description
  • Interesting and relevant topic
  • New approach, concept or technology
  • Applicability in real world vs theory
  • Industry standard implication or implementation

Product or corporate promotional papers will not be accepted. This is not an advertising medium.


Interested new authors...

You do NOT have to submit an abstract to enjoy this special discount.

If you are not a returning author or are unfamiliar with our publications, we strongly recommend that you should read at least one previous edition of our annual books in order to appreciate the style and approach of successful contributions.

We suggest the recent title Thriving on Adaptibility (which you will find extremely interesting anyway) as a starting point.

If you don't have a copy, you may download this book for a flat $10.00 (Retail $39.95)

Please use the discount code TOA on checkout.


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This new eBook series presents the collection of best and most important chapters on their respective topics recently published in the annual BPM and Workflow Handbook series and other publications.
Introduction to BPM and Workflow
Utilities and Telecommunications

BPM Handbook Series

~ BPM Everywhere
~ Thriving on Adaptability

~ Empowering Knowledge Workers
~ iBPMS - Intelligent BPM Systems
~ BPM in Healthcare
~ Human Centric BPM
~ BPM in Government
~ Business Intelligence
~ Social BPM
~ Taming the Unpredictable
~ BPMN 2.0 Handbook 2nd Edition
~ BPMN Modelling and Reference Guide


eBook Series
Only $9.97 each

* Intro to BPM and Workflow
* Financial
* Healthcare
* Utilities & Telecoms

Excellence in Practice Series


* Passports to Success in BPM
* Moving the Goalposts
* Using BPM for Competitive Advantage
* Innovation, Implementation and Impact
* Successful Process Implementation
* Delivering BPM Excellence

* Taming the Unpredictable
* Customer-Centric Organization
* How Knowledge Workers Get Things Done
* Delivering Competitive Advantage
*Empowering Knowledge Workers
* Understanding and Using BPM

How Knowledge Workers Get Things Done

Taming the Unpredictable


Could your case study be an Award-winner?
Get recognition for your vision and your team's achievments.

BPM Awards
WfMC Awards for Excellence in BPM and Workflow

Case Management Awards

WfMC Awards for Excellence in Case Management

Special 3-Book Bundle Spotlights the BPM Awards

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Total Retail $120.00.

Read the cream of award-winning Case Studies!

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