2010 BPM & Workflow Handbook
Methods, Concepts, Case Studies and Standards
in Business Process Management and Workflow
Spotlight on Business Intelligence
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- Foreword
Keith D. Swenson, Fujitsu America, USA, and Vice Chair, Workflow Management Coalition
- Knowledge Work and Unpredictable Processes
Keith D. Swenson, Fujitsu America, USA,
and Chair, Workflow Management Coalition
- Intelligent, Automated Processes: Embedding Analytics in Decisions
James Taylor, Decision Management Solutions, USA
- Using BPM to Drive Clinical Intelligence and Process Oversight in the Acute Healthcare Setting
Ray Hess, The Chester County Hospital, USA
- Enterprise Process Automation–Providing the Gift of Time
Roy Altman, Peopleserv Inc., USA
Print Edition -- Add to cart now: Retail $75.00
(Annual Handbook is usually
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Read Introduction (PDF) with abstracts of each chapter.
Praise for 2010 BPM and Workflow Handbook (read full reviews here in PDF)
…I found inspiration for current debates in the business, for instance in the chapter on knowledge processes. The handbook is spot-on for the hot potatoes of our industry…
Jesper Juul Andersen, General Manager at A. P. Moller - Maersk A/S, Denmark.
I found the section on Business Intelligence in process management particularly relevant as the objective of BPM is to “get better at getting work done”. We can only get better if we know what to measure, how to measure and how to interpret and use the results. The article on Predictive BPM makes an interesting read. I have been in this industry for more than 10 years and I still found something new or useful in every article.
Pieter van Schalkwyk,
Managing Director,
eXomin Pty Ltd.,
The environment is changing so rapidly around identifying and driving value through enterprise transformation, that this handbook is essential to present ideas, and encourage thought and action. I think it’s extremely useful for anyone planning to stay current, at a fraction of the cost of a comparable seminar.
Steven Jones,
Jones Consulting Group, LLC,
United States
I would strongly recommend this book to all BPM Technical and Business Analyst Practitioners because reading this will help in understanding how BPM is evolving and is becoming the most important aspect in all industries...
Soma Sengupta,
From the practitioner’s perspective the handbook provides a perfect balance between a better understanding of the business outcomes available through this business technology and the architectural strategies and approaches to be adopted for the design of this important and necessary technology response.
Ron Perry, Principal Consultant, InfoBis (Asia Pacific), Australia
Publication Date: July 2010
ISBN: 978-0-9819870-5-7
Quality softcover. 284 pages.
US $75.00 Retail.
Size: 7" x 10"
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focus on Business Intelligence?
Swenson, WfMC Vice Chair says, "Regardless of whether you design a fixed
definition in advance for a predictable process, or whether a case manager
extends the plan for an unpredictable process while working, the results can be
analyzed with process intelligence technology. Retrospective analysis can tell
us if the processes are going according to plan, and can tell us if the plan
itself is a good idea. In cases where work was performed without the guidance
of a process, process mining, also known as automatic process discovery, can
tell us what the process has actually been without having to involve people in
lengthy, and error prone, interviews. Process mining can tell us what is
efficient and inefficient about an existing work pattern, and it can give us a
jump-start on new BPM implementation efforts when no previous process
definition exists.
(Process) Intelligence is a field that is just beginning to show very promising
results. Eleven independent chapters bring us views of this topic. After all,
in the end, it is process analytics that keeps us all honest. Because it can
measure performance, Business Process Intelligence is a critical part of
delivering on the promise of improving performance of the business."
Table of Contents
In 2010 we
include a special spotlight on Business Intelligence to illustrate how Business
Process Management (BPM) and Business Intelligence (BI) are increasingly
intertwined. Linking business intelligence and business process management
creates stronger operational business intelligence. Users seek more intelligent
business process capabilities in order to remain competitive within their fields
and industries. BPM vendors realize they need to improve their business
processes, rules and event management offerings with greater intelligence or
analytics capabilities.
Business Process Intelligence:
Beyond the Convergence of BPM and BI
Linus Chow, Manoj
Das and Peter Bostrom, Oracle Corp, USA
Knowledge Work and Unpredictable Processes (FREE CHAPTER HERE)
Keith D. Swenson, Fujitsu America, USA,
and Vice Chair, Workflow Management Coalition
Open Source Business Intelligence and Business Process
Patrick Beaucamp, BPM-Conseil/Vanilla,
Artificial Intelligence and the Future of BPM: Semantic
Process Automation
Francesco BATTISTA, Respondo, Italy and
Gianpiero BONGALLINO, Italy
Predictive BPM
Dr. Setrag
Khoshafian, Pegasystems Inc., USA
Intelligent, Automated Processes: Embedding Analytics
in Decisions
James Taylor, Decision Management
Solutions, USA
Assigning Work Items More Efficiently Using Business
Intelligence Tools
Juan J. Moreno, Marcelo Cordini,
Cristian Mastrantono, INTEGRADOC and Universidad Católica, Uruguay; Martín Palatnik,
Universidad Católica, Uruguay
Staying Ahead of the Curve with Decision-Centric
Business Intelligence
Sheila Donohue, CRIF Decision Solutions,
Combining Knowledge, Process and BI to Deliver Agility
in a Collaborative Environment
Marinela MIRCEA, Bogdan GHILIC-MICU,
Marian STOICA, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania
Using BPM to Drive Clinical Intelligence and Process
Oversight in the Acute Healthcare Setting
Ray Hess, The Chester County Hospital,
Using BPM and Business Intelligence to Improve
Jonathan Emanuele and Cynthia Mascara,
Siemens, USA
Introduces new key concepts and sets out the business case for workflow
technology and BPM. This perspective is covered by papers that provide practical
information on Business Process Management (including case studies) designed for
an audience of business users.
BPM-on-Demand: Fantasy or Fast Track to Agility?
Jon Pyke, WfMC Chair, United Kingdom
A Generic Framework for Business Process Management
Philippe Declercq and Vincent Fauliot,
CNAMTS, France
Enterprise Process
Automation–Providing the Gift of Time
Roy Altman, Peopleserv Inc., USA
Transforming Security through Enterprise Architecture
and BPM
Christine Robinson, Christine Robinson
and Associates and Daniel Turissini, Operational Research Consultants, USA
Customer Experience Transformation—A Framework to
Achieve Measurable Results
Vinaykumar S Mummigatti, Virtusa, USA
BPM standards have evolved from technical nuance to a business imperative.
This perspective is covered by papers on system structure and values, operation
and scalability issues, written for an audience of Information Technology (IT)
How to Optimize Capability: Centered Enterprise
Nathaniel Palmer and Jason Adolf, SRA International, Inc., VA, USA
XPDL 2.2: Incorporating BPMN 2.0 Process Modeling
Robert M.
Shapiro, Global 360, USA
Workflow Control-path Intelligence and Its Implications
Haksung Kim, Dongnam Health University
and Kwanghoon Kim, Kyonggi Univ., Rep. of Korea
Workflow Design Patterns for Developing and Maintaining
e-Business Workflow Systems
Farhi Marir and John Ndeta, Knowledge
Management Research Centre, Faculty of Computing, London Metropolitan
University, UK
Utilizing Process Definitions for Process
Automation: A Comparative Study
Filiz Celik
Yesildoruk and Onur Demirors, Middle East Technical University,
Informatics Institute, Turkey
Authors' Appendix
Structure and Membership Information
Membership Directory
Online Resources in BPM and Workflow
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2010 BPM and Workflow Handbook, Spotlight on Business Intelligence

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This new eBook series presents the collection of best and most important chapters on their respective topics recently published in the annual BPM and Workflow Handbook series and other publications.
Introduction to BPM and Workflow
Utilities and Telecommunications