BPMN 2.0 Handbook
(First Edition)
Second Edition 2012 (expanded and updated) here

Robert Shapiro, Stephen A. White PhD., Nathaniel Palmer, Michael zur Muehlen PhD., Thomas Allweyer, Denis Gagné et al
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Book Size: 256 pages
Cover: Quality Softcover, Perfect Bound
Weight: 1 lb, Size: 7"x10"
ISBN: 978-0-9819870-3-3
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Retail: $75.00
Book Size: 8mb zipped PDF
ISBN: 978-0-9819870-7-1
Second Edition 2012 available now.
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This book is for business people who want to understand the how and why of BPMN in simple non-jargon terms and the strategy and motivation for its adoption within the corporation.
It is also for the technical practitioner seeking current insights into the BPMN 2.0 standard and how to take advantage of its powerful capabilities.
Authored by members of WfMC, OMG and other key participants in the development of BPMN 2.0, the BPMN 2.0 Handbook brings together worldwide thought-leaders and experts in this space.
Exclusive and unique contributions examine a variety of aspects that start with an introduction of what’s new in BPMN 2.0, and look closely at interchange, analytics, conformance, optimization, simulation and more from a technical perspective. The authors also address the business imperative for adoption of the standard by examining best practice guidelines, BPMN business strategy and the human interface. Other critical chapters address practical aspects of making a BPMN model executable, basic timeline analysis of a BPMN model and case studies.
Detailed Table of Contents with full abstracts of each chapter here (8 pages, PDF)
Praise for BPMN 2.0 Handbook
"The Business of BPMN section was especially useful and gave me insights into solid justification for using BPMN as a standard throughout my organization."
"....as an XPDL user, I found the details in the technical chapters were accurate and provided solid guidance - for example -- how to make a BPMN model executable. That was important information."
"The BPMN 2.0 handbook serves a multi-faceted role in providing a solid introduction and reference to the new modeling standard. At the same time, the handbook contains meaningful best practices from multiple modeling practitioners and experts. The text is approachable and written in a free-flowing style (not a sterile reference document). Useful resource for both modeling newbies and long-term veterans"!
Download complete chapter by Lloyd Dugan and Nathaniel Palmer
Making a BPMN 2.0 Model Executable
The advent of BPMN 2.0 provides a breakthrough in bridging the communication divide through two notable advances. One is an expanded iconic set offering more procedural and message-level behavior than before. The other, and most controversial, is a new serialization format containing implementation details for an executing platform. This chapter proposes a set of minimum characteristics for an executable BPMN 2.0 model as well as modeling guidelines that ensure modeled elements map to executing components. This approach applies to all areas of BPMN modeling, but is also necessary for leveraging the emerging class of BPMS environment where processes orchestrate services within a Service Component Architecture (SCA) composite. The result is a design pattern for implementing BPMN processes that is particularly applicable to applications that run as services and leverage SOA components.
Yet the advent of a serialization format does not alone resolve the issues otherwise surrounding executable models. Well-designed models require the first principles of modeling to ensure that design-time BPMN constructs follow the necessary characteristics of an executable model. This is particularly important for environments that purge the BPMS layer of most (if not all) core business logic, instead orchestrating invoked services that components of capabilities. In the examples that follow, this approach is illustrated by using specific task types and swimlanes to map to SCA components. Also presented is the recommended approach for mapping an XML expression of BPMN, either the serialized version of BPMN or XPDL, to and from an XML expression of an SCA composite.
Download complete chapter now (registration not required).
Additional Digital Content for the BPMN 2.0 Handbook is available at http://bpmnhandbook.com/
This site contains BPMN and XPDL Verification/Validation files, webinars, videos, product specs, tools, free/trial modelers etc. This gives readers exposure to an even larger resource on BPMN 2.0 and XPDL than a printed book alone can offer.
To have your product or service featured on this site, please contact us directly at books @ FutStrat.com.
BPMN 2.0 Handbook
Retail $75.00
Table of Contents
Detailed Table of Contents with full abstracts of each chapter here (8 pages, PDF)
Foreword 7
Bruce Silver, Principal, Bruce Silver Associates
Introduction 9
Layna Fischer, Publisher, Future Strategies Inc. USA
SECTION 1—Guide to BPMN 2.0 Technical Aspects
New Capabilities for Process and Interaction Modeling in BPMN 2.0 17
Stephen A. White PhD, International Business Machines, and Conrad Bock, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA
BPMN 2.0 Interchange 33
Denis Gagné, CEO & CTO, Trisotech, Canada
Simulation for Business Process Management 43
John Januszczak, Vice President, Meta Software Corporation, USA
Collaborative Activities inside Pools 59
Michele Chinosi, Grantholder, European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Italy
Multi-faceted BPM 73
Marco Brambilla, Researcher, Politecnico di Milano, Italy and Stefano Butti, CEO, Web Models S.r.l. - WebRatio, Italy
Refactoring BPMN Models 85
Darius Silingas, Principal Consultant and Edita Mileviciene, Cameo Business Modeler Product Manager, No Magic Europe, Lithuania
Admission Process Optimization with BPMN (case study) 93
Jack Xue, Butler University and Manager of IT Architecture, Conseco Service LLC, USA
Workflow patterns using BPMN 2.0 99
Vishal Saxena, Founder and CEO, Roubroo, USA
Analytics for Performance Optimization of BPMN2.0 Business Processes 109
Robert Shapiro, SVP Research, Global 360, USA and Hartmann Genrich, Germany
Making a BPMN 2.0 Model Executable 121
Lloyd Dugan, Senior Project Director/CTO, Information Engineering
Services, Inc., and Nathaniel Palmer, Executive Director, WfMC, USA
Bespoke Enterprise Architecture: Tailoring BPMN 2.0 using Conformance Classes 141
Dennis E. Wisnosky, Office of the Deputy Chief Management Officer, Department of Defense, and Michael zur Muehlen Ph.D., Center for Business Process Innovation, Stevens Institute of Technology, USA
SECTION 2—Guide to the Business Imperative for BPMN
Best Practice Guidelines for BPMN 2.0 153
Gerardo Navarro-Suarez, Jakob Freund and Matthias Schrepfer, camunda services GmbH, Germany
BPMN for Business Professionals: Making BPMN 2.0 Fit for Full Business Use 167
Tobias Rausch, Harald Kuehn, BOC AG, Marion Murzek, BOC GmbH, Austria and Thomas Brennan, BOC Ltd, Ireland
BPMN and Business Strategy: One Size Does Not Fit All 181
Lionel Loiseau, Head of BPM Competency Center, BNP Paribas and Michael Ferrari, Independent BPM Consultant and Business Analyst, France.
Human-Readable BPMN Diagrams 193
Thomas Allweyer, Professor, University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern, Germany
Business Process Integration in a Defense Product-focused Company 209
Kerry M. Finn, Enterprise SOA Lead and J. Bryan Lail, Chief Architect, Raytheon Company, USA
SECTION 3—Reference and Appendices
Reference Guide—XPDL 2.2: Incorporating BPMN 2.0 Process Modeling Extensions 219
Robert M. Shapiro, WfMC Chair XPDL Technical Committee, USA
Authors' Appendix 227
BPMN 2.0 Supporting Organizations 235
XPDL Implementations 237
BPMN 2.0 Glossary 247
Index 251
Further Resources and Reading 255
Detailed Table of Contents with full abstracts of each chapter here (8 pages, PDF)
Online Companion to BPMN 2.0 Handbook –
We invite additional content from BPMN supporters and providers with regard to product tools/trials, product demos, webinars, videos, white papers and more. http://bpmnhandbook.com.
This site contains BPMN and XPDL Verification/Validation files, webinars, videos, product specs, tools, free/trial modelers etc. This gives readers exposure to an even larger resource on BPMN 2.0 and XPDL than a book alone can offer. To have your product or service featured on this site, please contact us directly at books @ FutStrat.com.