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Business Process Management / Adaptive Case Management

Intelligent Adaptability

Foreword by Sandy Kemsley

Published by Future Strategies Inc., in association with the Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC)


Intelligent Adaptability with ACM and BPMS

As adaptive case management (ACM) systems mature, we are moving beyond simple systems that allow knowledge workers to define ad hoc processes, to creating more intelligent systems that support and guide them. Knowledge workers still need to dynamically add information, define activities and collaborate with others in order to get their work done, but those are now just the table stakes in a world of big data and intelligent agents. To drive innovation and maintain operational efficiencies, we need to augment case work—typically seen as relying primarily on human intelligence—with machine intelligence.
In other words, we need intelligent ACM—Sandy Kemsley, Foreword.

ACM, BPMS and Real-World Execution

BPM is essential to a company's survival in today's hyper-speed business environment. A key benefit of the Intelligent Adaptability approach to supporting knowledge work and knowledge workers is that it allows users the ability to leverage a very robust set of process- and decision-automation while using a user-centric interface (through the BPMS tier). In this book, we explore how Intelligent Automation can be realized to deliver on the promise of Intelligent Adaptability, expanding the capabilities of ACM beyond what had previously been thought to be the limitations of automation—Nathaniel Palmer, WfMC


Digital Intelligence

  • Machine Intelligence and Automation in ACM and BPM
    -- Sandy Kemsley (Foreword)

  • Intelligent Automation Delivers Intelligent Adaptability
    -- Nathaniel Palmer

  • Public Safety and Dynamic Business Process Control
    -- David Webber

  • Smart Adaptive BPM Engine
    -- Pedro Robledo

  • Value Stream as a Service
    -- Setrag Khoshafian and Sushil Kumar

  • Business Rules Design as Enabler for Intelligent Process Solutions
    -- Kay Winkler

  • Transforming Compliance Regulations into User Experience
    -- Christoph Ruhsam, Christoph Czepa, Uwe Zdun

BPM and ACM Real-World Use Cases

  • Introduction to Case Studies
    Seven Trends Impacting the Case Management Landscape
    -- Connie Moore

  • Fein Such Kahn & Shepard

  • Grinnell Mutual

  • Leading European Bank

  • Molina Healthcare, Inc.

  • UniCredit Leasing Croatia

  • WPS Health Solutions

Retail US $39.95
© Future Strategies Inc.
Lighthouse Point, Florida, USA

Business Science
Business Process Management



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This new eBook series presents the collection of best and most important chapters on their respective topics recently published in the annual BPM and Workflow Handbook series and other publications.
Introduction to BPM and Workflow
Utilities and Telecommunications

Business Transformation Series

~ Business and Dynamic Change
~ BPM Everywhere
~ Thriving on Adaptability
~ Empowering Knowledge Workers
~ iBPMS - Intelligent BPM Systems
~ Human Centric BPM
~ Social BPM
~ Taming the Unpredictable
~ BPMN 2.0 Handbook 2nd Edition

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* Thriving on Adaptability
* Passports to Success in BPM
* Moving the Goalposts
* Using BPM for Competitive Advantage
* Innovation, Implementation and Impact
* Successful Process Implementation
* Delivering BPM Excellence

* Taming the Unpredictable
* Customer-Centric Organization
* How Knowledge Workers Get Things Done
* Delivering Competitive Advantage
* Understanding and Using BPM


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