Business Rules
Foreword by Ronald G Ross
Published in conjunction with the Business Ruless Excellence Awards. this prestigious book from Future Strategies Inc., makes a significant contribution to the body of knowledge within this industry.
Focusing on What Makes Your Business Smart: Business Rules
Gladys S.W. Lam
Collaborative Rule Authoring
Kristen Seer
The Case of the Missing Algorithm
Mark Norton
Evaluation of Patient Eligibility for Publicly-Funded Vaccines
David Lyalin and Warren Williams
This book includes the winning case studies from Business Rules Excellence Awards: (BREA)
- CDC Immunization Information Systems Support Branch (IISSB), USA, nominated by CDC
- California Bank, USA nominated by OpenRules, Inc
- Deloitte Ltd, New Zealand, nominated by IDIOM Limited
- Dutch Road Authorities, The Netherlands, nominated by Lab for Intelligent Business Rules Technology
- IBM Global Sales Incentives, USA, nominated by IBM
- KPN, The Netherlands, nominated by AuraPortal
- MMG Insurance, USA, nominated by EA Department, MMG
- PowerHealth Solutions, Australia, nominated by IDIOM Limited
- Rabobank, The Netherlands, nominated by Oracle
- United Services Automobile Association (USAA), USA, nominated by USAA
This title follows our recent best-seller books
© Future Strategies Inc.
Lighthouse Point, Florida, USA
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This new eBook series presents the collection of best and most important chapters on their respective topics recently published in the annual BPM and Workflow Handbook series and other publications.
Introduction to BPM and Workflow
Utilities and Telecommunications